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Alpiq Zlín s.r.o. and Alpiq Generation (CZ) produce electricity and heat from renewable resources

Early last year, the combustion of biomass in the form of wood chips in combination with brown coal was successfully launched in the fluidized bed boilers of both the main production units of Alpiq Generation (CZ). Biomass thus replaces a portion of primary energy gained so far only from fossil fuel, brown coal. Thanks to the continuous improvement of the coburning process and relations with the biogas suppliers, the quantity of burned wood chips gradually increased during 2008.

Up to 31 December 2008, a total of 22,918 tons of wood chips had been burned in combination with brown coal in the boilers and a total of 21.431 million kWh of “green“ electricity had thus been produced. This quantity represents an average annual consumption of approximately 5,500 common households. The used wood chips replaced approximately 15,000 tons of brown coal, which represents approximately 15 coal trains consisting of 20 wagons each.

There is also a considerable saving in the consumption of sorbent (limestone), used for the desulfurization, as well as in the ash quantity to be removed for treatment and dumping (the saving amounts to approximately 2,000 tons). Since both the units are also operated in the partial cogeneration mode, approximately 10,000 GJ of heat were also produced from biomass for heating purposes. In no case, the used biomass competes with the food production or production of other crops utilizable in the industry. Biomass is crushed waste wood, (branches, thin stems, stump wood etc.), produced in the logging and woodworking in forests and landscaping.

Alpiq Generation (CZ) the Kladno company and Alpiq Zlín, the Zlín company are wholly owned by Alpiq, the Swiss energy company. Alpiq Zlín supplies heat to the Zlín households through TEPLO Zlín company, and already since 2001, it has been burning both biomass and biogas in its boilers. In 2008, the company burned 1,374 tons of biomass in combination with brown coal, and 2.422 million kWh of electricity were produced from biomass there. In 2001, the company started to coburn biogas, which is extracted from the solid municipal waste dump in Zlín. In 2008, almost 853,000 m3 were utilized, and as such, the company significantly supported the reduction of impacts of freely escaping gas on the ozone hole formation.

In mid-2009, Alpiq Zlín plans to commission a facility designed for biomass storage and dosing into the fluidized bed boiler, which will allow the coburned biomass quantity to be increased and the burned brown coal quantity to be reduced. In the second half of 2009, the company thus plans to burn approximately 7,000 tons of biomass.